It's remarkable! Fantastic! Entertaining! Yes, Charles M. Schulz has done it again. SNOOPY!!! the musical sequel to YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN deserves each of its three exclamation points. Based on the world renowned "Peanuts" comic strip, it delights every audience with the quiet knowledge and wit of its characters. Musical numbers include The Big Bow-Wow, Don't Be Anything Less (Than Everything You Can Be), Where Did That Little Dog Go and Daisy Hill.
Based on the comic strip "PEANUTS" by Charles M. Schulz
Book Originally produced by Arthur Whitelaw, Michael L. Grace and Susan Bloom
Originally directed by Arthur Whitelaw
Production Staff
Producer - Carol Lee Wax
Producer - Denise Tamburrino
Director - Brad Kisner
Musical Director - Hannah Rose
Choreographer - Annie Jo Fischer
Cast Members
Snoopy - Brent Walker
Charlie Brown - Brad Kisner
Linus - Bob Spidale
Lucy - Hannah Rose
Peppermint Patti - Gretchen Kimmeth
Sally - Becky Keeshin
Woodstock - Brittany Saznoff