The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful musical parable. Joseph is a boy blessed with prophetic dreams, and his father's favorite son. When he is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt, Joseph endures a series of adventures in which his spirit and humanity are continually challenged.
He is purchased by the Potifars where thwarting advances from the Mrs. lands him in jail. When news of Joseph's gift to interpret dreams reaches the Pharaoh (wryly and riotously depicted as Elvis), Joseph is well on his way to becoming second in command. Eventually his brothers, having suffered greatly, unknowingly find themselves groveling at the feet of the brother they betrayed but no longer recognize. After testing their integrity, Joseph reveals himself leading to a heartfelt reconciliation of the sons of Israel.
Set to an engaging cornucopia of musical styles, from country-western and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock 'n' roll, this Old Testament tale emerges both timely and timeless.
Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics by Tim Rice
Production Staff
Executive Producer - Bradley A. Rose
Executive Producer - Ira Rosenthal
Executive Producer - Jerry Thompson
Director - Catherine Davis
Choreographer - Marianne Lubershane Brown
Musical Director - Bob Bakke
Assistant Director - Lauren Erck
Stage Manager - Leslie DeCarl
Technical Director - Kathy Taylor
Costume Designer - William Dunckel
Lighting and Sound Designer - Kurt Ottinger
Light Board Operator - Bob Berman
Set Designer - Rick Paul
Master Carpenter - Rob Flint
Props Mistress - Ida Silverman
Set Decorator - Ida Silverman
Assistant Props Coordinator - Ed Silverman
Stage Crew Lead - Steve Nickerson
Stage Crew - Carol Payne
Publicity - Esther Rose
Donations - Carol Lee Wax
House Manager - David Shaw
Program / Photographer - Jodi Buczek
Program / Photographer - Jerry Thompson
T-Shirt Sales Coordinator - Jodi Buczek
T-Shirt Sales Coordinator - Sarah Richardson
Cast Ticket Sales - Ira Rosenthal
Park District Liaison - Kim Loprest
Cast Members
Joseph - Ben Swislow
Narrator - Hannah Hope
Jacob / Potiphar - Joe Schmitt
Pharaoh - Kasper
Butler - David Grosky
Baker / Jacob's Wife - Jessica Don
Mrs. Potiphar - Cheri Trier
Apache Dancers - Missy Greenberg, Jerry Thompson
Ishmaelites - David Grosky, Jessica Don, Adam Greenberg, Kasper
Potiphar Guards - Bradley A. Rose, Jerry Thompson
Potiphar Singers - David Grosky, Kasper, Shawn Smith
Pharaoh's Guards - Jorge Bermudez, Bill Harris, Adam Greenberg, Luke Wygodny
Narrator - Mallory Marcus
Helpers - Eliana Swislow
Rueben - Ira Rosenthal
Simeon - Jason Tolub
Levi - Marc Levy
Napthali - Bill Harris
Issachar - Jorge Bermudez
Asher - Jerry Thompson
Dan - Bradley A. Rose
Zebulun - Matthew Evans
Gad - David Tucker
Benjamin - Luke Wygodny
Judah - Shawn Smith
Rueben's Wife - Missy Greenberg
Simeon's Wife - Jodi Buczek
Levi's Wife - Debby Taber
Napthali's Wife - Cheri Trier
Issachar's Wife - Sarah Richardson
Asher's Wife - Michelle Thompson
Dan's Wife - Barrett Doss
Zebulun's Wife - Jessica Taber
Gad's Wife - Maureen Fallon
Benjamin's Wife - Carly Scheinbaum
Judah's Wife - Rebecca Amend
Children's Choir - Melanie Abramowicz, Asher Bond, Zoey Bond, Alexis Bury, Emily Bury, Melissa Fontana, Lindsay Goldstein, Rachel Greenberg, Beth Grosky, Hayley Himmelman, Kailey Hopkins, Jaye Hunt, Rebecca Iloulian, Jennifer Lask, Olivia Lerrick, Isabelle Levine, Mallory Marcus, Rebecca Olderman, Julie Rheinstrom, Moria Sutherland, Eliana Swislow, Jennifer Weiss, Paige Wexler, Bonnie Williamson, Scott Wolf, E.J. Wygodny